Sam “Sonny” Bright, Jr., a 70 yr old (if that means anything) Natural Bodybuilder

Here is an Outstanding example from Sam “Sonny” Bright, Jr., a Natural Bodybuilder competing in the INBF at least:


Excellent article from the Daily Mail in the UK

Augusta Chronicle link:


Getting Old is for People Who Don’t Know Better

Tony Horton says in P90X3 (I’ll look up which workout), that “Getting old is for people who don’t know better.”

Here is an Outstanding example from Sam “Sonny” Bright, Jr., a Natural Bodybuilder competing in the INBF at least:


Excellent article from the Daily Mail in the UK

Augusta Chronicle link:


Arthur’s amazing story is a film:



Amazing story of perseverance, fitness and humanity from Bodybuilding Champ, Mr. America Jim Morris:



Post for some research. I’ll be adding to this later.

Endorphins interact with the opiate receptors in the brain to reduce our perception of pain and act similarly to drugs such as morphine and codeine. In contrast to the opiate drugs, however, activation of the opiate receptors by the body’s endorphins does not lead to addiction or dependence.

Adrenaline and Epinephrine

Post for some research. I’ll be adding to this later.

Adrenaline: A stress hormone produced within the adrenal gland that quickens the heart beat, strengthens the force of the heart’s contraction, and opens up the bronchioles in the lungs, among other effects. The secretion of adrenaline is part of the human ‘fight or flight’ response to fear, panic, or perceived threat. Also known as epinephrine.


I expect to write or compile some research here so this is the start.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers. Dopamine also helps regulate movement and emotional responses, and it enables us not only to see rewards, but to take action to move toward them…people with low dopamine activity may be more prone to addiction. The presence of a certain kind of dopamine receptor is also associated with sensation-seeking.