P90x 2013 Week 1 Day 2

Cardio X

I recall that I liked this (I should look at my blog).I recall having difficulty with the Runner’s pose which is now as difficult as ever. But I recall getting it done by the 30th day last time (I need to look at the old posts).

On top of the Core Synergistics last night, there were some things I could not do. I still can not do the Dreya Roll. I could not keep up with the pace because of the overall soreness from yesterday either.

I could feel my abs being very sore and as with Kenpo years ago, my inner thighs are very, very sore making it difficult to walk or sit or squat for the 2nd day in a row but I know it will all pass.

I made it to day 30 a year ago and my son and I are focused on hitting day 180 on about Feb 11, 2014.

The Yoga warmup was very effective as Tony suggests and I feel sore pretty much all over but it doesn’t really hurt to blink…