Author: DougHall2018

Facebook has apparently gotten me into some trouble so I thought I needed to put a belief statement somewhere because some of the people think I’m more conservative than Rush Limbaugh and some think I’m more liberal than George Clooney. If I have to pick a Politcal Party (here in the USA), I have to […]
As part of my effort to post favorite quotes and related movie clips where available… Maybe the best movie of all time. Maybe the best fencing and fight scene of all time. So many quotes in the one scene. The Princess’ Bride Unless the enemy has a studied his a grippa, which I have. I’ve […]
Another favorite quote but I had it wrong for a long time, I thought it said “strange things” or “stranger things” and I see now that it does not. Shakespeare There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. – Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio
One of my favorite quotes. Shakespeare one may smile, and smile, and be a villain – Hamlet Act 1, scene 5 105-109
I love this quote from Superman: The Movie. I have to post a longer quote here but it starts at 16 seconds in. Superman the Movie You are here for a reason (apparently, unless there is a reboot… it is not to score touchdowns….The quote starts 16 seconds)
I’m having some trouble with the latest updates to my site. My menu is not working. I’m duplicating my Links page as a Blog post until I get the Menu fixed properly.  Of course this means that I may have 2-3 full menu options available at some point… but better than 0 I hope. Lol. […]
I  had a thought to post something about camping so I will come back and edit this.
I don’t know what happened to this company but we used to have a Shakelight Flashlight and I hope to get another one. Here is an example on Amazon today 8.21.17 but the original maker has apparently sold their rights or something, I can’t find the manufacturer but I thought I’d found them a few […]
I’m a big fan of Tesla and Elon Musk. In 2004-ish I  talked  to a friend of mine about putting solar panels on my house, I looked into designing solar panels that could be shingles on the roof and designed a battery to store energy especially for emergency lighting and the laundry room and maybe […]
Today is Monday Aug 21, 2017 and I missed the Eclipse I took 3 Astronomy classes, have a PhD business partner and friend from Boy Scouts who does amazing Astronomy lectures with a laser pointer when on campouts and I missed the eclipse. I’m doing to work  on the site and thinking these homepage updates […]
I’ve worked hard to become so
You are here for a reason