Good Movies

Good movies I liked and why:

Movie Title Why
The Princess’ Bride Love, True Love…
Batman Begins  Serious treatment of The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight  The Dark Knight! I didn’t like some of the liberties but the atmosphere was very well done
Star Wars (episode IV)  Groundbreaking technical work and positive story
Forest Gump  Groundbreaking technical work and positive story
The Matrix  Groundbreaking technical work and great story
Lady and the Tramp  Sentimental favorite. Excellent date movie.
Starship Troopers
Like Water for Chocolate
Dances with Wolves  Respect for Native Americans, beautiful photography
The Hunt for Red October  Sean Connery mostly
Lawrence of Arabia  Classic
Superman I and II with Christopher Reeve  You could believe Superman could fly
Big  Awesome, great story, Tom Hanks was great
Escape from New York
Predator  Great story
True Lies  My abs hurt when I left the theater I was laughing so hard. Didn’t remember it as funny though. Should have been a franchise!!!!
Commando  Arnold!
Lord of the Rings animated Ralph Bakshi version  Spellbound me as a kid, sentimental favorite. Would have liked to see part II…
Peter Jackson’s AWESOME Lord of the Rings Trilogy  Outstanding. Nearly flawless. Well done.
Star Wars Episode V  I loved Han. I wanted more Star Wars. But V doesn’t hold up under close critical scrutiny and I was mad that Han was frozen!!! It should have had more Han!


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