Leatherman Micra

I’ve lost my Leatherman Micra twice.

Naturally now, as of about July 1, 2017, right after I put up this post, I have lost it a 3rd time. I have not found it like before. I just had the engraving done a few months ago and now it is mysteriously lost and we’ve searched the last know location. Alas. I think a new one is only $20 but I’d like it back if you find it.

My wife got it for me when I graduated. I thought it was the “Producer’s Version” of the Leatherman the Grips used on Charlie Sexton and the Archangel’s Video for MTV “Livin In A Dream” which was the first thing I worked on when I got to UT.

If I’ve lost it again and you’ve found it, call me or contact me via the site if you found my Leatherman Micra!


P.S. Today is January 25, 2019. I bought a replacement a year or so ago. It is not the same weight as my original but it was the same price. So I have one again and I’m resigned to not finding my old one. Alas.

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