The Princess’ Bride

As part of my effort to post favorite quotes and related movie clips where available…

Maybe the best movie of all time.
Maybe the best fencing and fight scene of all time.
So many quotes in the one scene.

The Princess’ Bride

  1. Unless the enemy has a studied his a grippa, which I have.
  2. I’ve worked hard to become so.
  3. Because I know something you don’t know… I am not left handed…I ought to be after twenty years…I’m not left handed, either.

Too many great quotes in that movie but I didn’t remember so many were from the MOST EPIC FENCING BATTLE IN MOVIE HISTORY! But I should also add 4. Get used to disappointment, 5. Kill me quickly… OMGosh, I hold the whole scene in the highest regard:

And this clip specifically regarding working hard:


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