P90X3 Classic Week 7 Day 1 Eccentric Upper

Still behind. May happen within 12 hours.
Done 7.23.14. This is very early on what should be Week 7 Day 3.

I have my notes.
I increased most dumbbells by 5lbs over the last week which was identical to the first week of this program. So that was significant progress I believe.

I have poor form and still can’t do 1 Pull-Up or Chin-Up unassisted. But that doesn’t hurt as much on these negative reps.

The extra weight did not impact my Staggered Push Ups which are about 1/2 through as Set 10.

I can NOT DO Tricep Skylars. I need an alternative or a mod or a coach to figure this out. I can’t do them. They also show up somewhere else but without the one leg in the air. They show up in Incenerator as “Skylars” no emphasis on the Tricep.

Otherwise, I did well.