P90X3 Classic Week 2 Day 2 Agility X

Begins in about 10 hours.

Car trouble interfered with this workout. We have to double-up somewhere.

We need to be on track for Rest on Sunday because Sat looks like a double and we may have 2-3 hours of Kenpo/MMA/Kickboxing in there as well.


We did Agility X at 3:30am Thurs 6.19.14.

We had to do it silently and I’m still confused on some of the moves but overall it was easier than before. We should review it later.

We have a tough schedule that will have us finishing Week 2 early on Sunday morning. Perhaps 4am or 7am.

I’m trying to have at least 8 hours between workouts on days that we do 2 such as 3am and 2pm or 4pm.

Tony says keep the workouts in order and don’t “Double Up” so I’m hoping an 8hr gap will be OK in a pinch. I don’t want to fall a full day behind. My son will miss Week 4 and we are not sure how that will work. He may also miss Week(s) 7/8.

I expect we will just press on and he will skip the whole weeks he misses and we may do the original P90X Classic routine after this is done as well if we can make our schedules work. The long workouts killed us before. We could not make it work but I think we could this Fall Sept 18th is to Dec 18th-ish. We plan to do a Spartan Race on Sat Nov 1 in there and I’d hope that by Christmas we’d be looking very good and I’d be in peak condition or very close to it. As my son is still only 15, we are not trying to get him ripped or anything, but just get everything well-conditioned and we both want get Certified as Personal Trainers on his 18th Birthday. He could be 6 months away from being my first Black Belt student by then as well and may follow his brother and become a Lifeguard. If he’s in great shape and still in love with the swimming pool I imagine he’d like to do that. I watched much of his older brother’s lifeguard training at camp. It was a week of intensity. I could not have completed that training then or now. Maybe in 6 months. 😀