P90X3 Classic Week 1 Day 2 Agility X



P90X3 Mat ReConfigSm

DVD Player failed at 13mins. I’m out of time to reset. We are going to do this again in about 9hrs and then about 6 hours later do Day 3 workout to stay on track.

It’s clunky. But this train will not be stopping. I’m expecting a smooth 2nd pass for Days 91-180 and that I may be bulky and cut after that. Right now I’d like to get leaner but I’m not expecting to look like a Bodybuilder. I’m having some pains that I can’t ask my trainer about since there isn’t one… so I’m defaulting to keeping sharp pain to a minimum.

My son wisely reconfigured the mat area after some input from Mom, so now we are committed to these mats.  Although I wanted to try some thicker ones, these seem to be OK.

Based on my previous experience I believe that around Day 30 I will be able to do all the moves. I have  some understanding of what they should be and how they should feel from my previous experience in the gym and studying and teaching Kenpo for 20years.