P90X3 Classic 8 Day 25 Pilates X

Fitbit calculation for calories burned, start 1969 – end 2067 = 98 calories burned.

This is difficult. My gut is in the way. I don’t know if Diastasis Recti is also a further complication for me or not but I can not do some of the breathing as he prescribes particularly when it involves sitting up. This is the best example of when I need a coach or trainer beside me to tell me what/how to do the move/breath and/or how to modify it.

I was pretty much ready for this workout. I see I almost burned 100 calories… I also felt great when it was over and I was SOAKING WET much moreso than with Yoga or other workouts where Tony says we should be sweating. So I hope I modified this to be effective but it obviously did not burn a lot of calories for me and I missed most of the breathing so I am also a bit irritated and worried that since he says protecting the spine is a function of the breathing here that maybe I need to skip this or go get someone to take me through it. That’s a though. Hire a trainer to come take me through this routine. That should take about an hour and I’m not sure what it would cost. Not $60 or $80 probably to have them come here. Maybe?

25 Days down. 65 to go!!!

Day 90 is a REST day.

Day 91 is the Final Fit Test and After Photos.