P90X3 Classic 8 Day 24 Accelerator

Fitbit calculation for calories burned, start 425 – end 647 = 222 calories burned.

New routines are hard. I could not do some of these because they were new. He also goes too fast to watch while you are following along, it is hard to crane your neck up to the TV when in Sphinx for example.

I was exhausted but did this routine anyway. Tonight I hope to shift my workout times and make them closer to 24hours apart after 7hrs of sleep. We’ll see. Sunday is Dynamix again, Pix, Measurements and waiting on Santa! Ho, ho, ho!! I may be able to watch a couple of movies Sunday night and fall asleep before midnight. As it’s the end of the week I may add Pilates or Yoga or even P90X Yoga which is 1hr 42mins long as I recall. I think I have the DVDs somewhere still. That would be a good add if I want more Yoga to burn calories or stretch me out.

24 Days down. 66 to go!!!

Day 90 is a REST day.

Day 91 is the Final Fit Test and After Photos.