P90x Redo Two Aug 11 Week One Day One

Core Synergistics

P90x restarted tonight.

My youngest son and I have restarted. We are going to use the Lean and then Classic for 180 days.  Our plan is to do it at 5:30am daily prior to breakfast.  I think I did one rep of everything at least. My son popped his shoulder and missed a section.

By doing one rep of everything I should say that some of it was so hard to complete the reps or even the movements that it is amazing I’d finished 30 days before. You could not tell. So I know I can get through this but I know I’m very out of shape now. It will be fun to not slide this far back ever again. I should be fine. My son and I have plans dependent on completing day 180. He’s off to a great start.

