P90x Week One Workout 6 Complete

A day late, we finished the Kenpo Workout.

Today, we begin Core Synergistics in less than 15 mins. That begins Week 2.

Tomorrow at 5am with Cardio X we hope to reset our routine to 5am instead of 6 or 7pm and proceed.

This will put us into Week 2 of the “Lean Program.”

Perhaps tomorrow I can get new photos and measurements taken but I didn’t want to stop for that. Scheduling this at night has been tough with me on a night project. 5am workouts may be bumpy to get rolling but they will work much better on several levels.

More to come. But don’t hold your breath for pictures.


P90x Day 4

Yoga is 1.5hrs LONG! That hurts my schedule.

But it is GREAT!

I missed a day again and did Yoga last night. I will have to now do Legs and Back and Kenpo on the same day like I did the first time I finished week one.

Legs includes Ab Ripper so it is about 1.5 hrs. I’ll take a break I think and do Kenpo later tonight and complete week one.

Tomorrow, we move P90x to first thing in the morning. Doing it at night doesn’t work so well.

P90x Day 3


My son put in Shoulders and Biceps instead of Shoulders and Back for Day 3. We noticed after we finished Ab Ripper X.

Oh well, press on. On the bright side, perhaps it doesn’t matter than I mostly used weights that were too light. I was still SOAKING WET when I finished.

Notably, on this my second try at Ab Ripper X, I was able to do more of the exercises than the last time I tried the Ab Ripper program.

I will try to get photos and measurements redone this weekend. They will be up to 6 days behind but may be different than the ones I took in May when I first started….

Don’t worry, I won’t likely post the pix here. At least not now.

P90x Day 2

Day 2 completed tonight. I need to get to bed earlier to get back on a day schedule. I can’t do the runner’s pose. My wife said she could do a lot more than the last time she tried this. It was Cardio X for us on Day 2.

My son killed it though. God bless them both. It is a bit crowed in the living room for this but we are making due.

The exercise did boost my spirits quite a bit. I am looking forward to day 180.

P90X Lean Day 1: Reboot

Tues night Aug 7, 2012 my son, my wife and I restarted the Cardio version of P90x. My son and I expect to move into the regular version of P90x in 3 months and call the program complete in 6 months.

Videos may accompany Blog posts in the future.

Oddly enough, prior to this first workout, my son swam laps in the Jr. Olympic Pool for 10-15 minutes. We expect to see real results in 3months.

More to come. This may become a daily post.